Daily Archives: February 5, 2012

“Today’s Workout–Balance, Strength, Agility” Day 1

This is the first workout I have done in about 3 weeks, and it was tough!  By the time I was finished, I was a sweaty mess… but you know what?  I feel like a warrior, and I hope to share that feeling with other people too 🙂

Day: 1

Mood: Determined

Energy: Moderate

Workout title:  Balance, Strength, Agility <———that is the link!


Jump squats with diagonal touch down (20 reps)

Skaters (15 on each leg)

Reptiles (20)

One leg hop kick (20)

Repeat this circuit 4 times to complete the workout.

My time: 20 mins and 0 sec


Modification tips- if some of the exercises are too intense at your current fitness level, you can still join in!

  • If you need to, remove the jump from the squat jumps, but sink deep into the squat to make up for the decreased intensity
  • You can touch your foot to the ground after each movement in the skater exercise if you have trouble with your balance, but again sink down low to make the exercise count!
  • If you cannot maintain a plank position throughout the reptile exercise, do them from a modified plank position on your knees.
  • If you cannot stay balanced throughout the one leg hop kick exercise, step instead 🙂

Remember: It’s supposed to be hard.  If you still look cute when you’re done, you didn’t push hard enough 😉

I hope everyone has as much fun doing this as I did.  It kicked my BUTT!  Check out the “Before pics and stats” page on this site for that information.  Enjoy your workout!  Thank you Zuzana!

yours exhausted,

Lauren ❤

PS: Bookmark this site: FitnessAlloy–it has a list of all of Zuzana’s workouts in order from bottom to top.  Today’s workout is the first one.