Daily Archives: February 9, 2012

“Today’s Workout–Prison Cell Exercises” Day 4

Good Morning Everyone! 🙂

Today’s workout was given its title because every exercise in this workout can be done in an environment with limited space, such as a prison cell.  Don’t think for a second that it’s easy just because you’re not running around!  This one wore me out!  I woke up at 7:00am this morning to do my workout because I knew I wouldn’t have an opportunity to do it later today, and let me tell you: it was tough motivating myself to get out of bed to do my workout.  It took about two seconds after I woke up to realize that the last three days of working out had made me really sore, and I was quite comfortable right where I was… but now that I’ve done it, I am so glad that I made myself get up!  My energy has sky-rocketed, by body feels awake and alive, and I’ve boosted my metabolism which will be heightened for the rest of the day, helping my body burn the unwanted fat.  Those are just a few of the benefits you will experience by starting your day out right!  Now get out of that bed!

Day: 4

Mood: Distracted

Energy: Groggy

Workout: “Prison Cell Exercises” <——-link to the workout!

The Workout

Walking Lunges (30)

Prisoner Burpees (10)

Over the Chair Round Kicks (30)

This is one circuit.  Do 3 more for a total of 4 to complete the workout.  Record the amount of time it takes you to complete the whole thing from start to finish: That is your score.

My Score: 34 min and 28 sec

WOW this one was tough!  Hello upper body… I almost forgot about you.  I haven’t worked you out in almost a month.  Thanks for reminding me.

I  felt like this one took me a while, but I was pushing at my max effort.  The pushups slowed me down because I have lost a lot of upper body strength–I had to take a month-long break to let an injury heal.  I was determined to do them all unmodified (if you are doing the exercise correctly, there should be 60 total), but I had to modify the last 18 prisoner burpees by doing the pushups off of my knees.  At first I was discouraged, but then I realized that being too stubborn to modify exercises earlier may have been what had caused my injury.  Know when to modify.  You will develop the strength you need to do the full exercise with time, and it is better to push yourself and be safe than to overexert your muscles and injure yourself!  I finally caved and learned a big lesson today.  Even after adding the modification, the pushups were still tough!

Modification Tips

  • During the walking lunges, your knees should both bend to about a 90 degree angle (no more than that!).  If you cannot sink down that low into the lunge, only go as far as what your strength and flexibility will allow.  Move slowly if necessary to make sure you’re keeping good form.  It’s easy to get sloppy with lunges!
  • Prisoner Burpees: If jumping your feet back into the plank position is too intense for you, simply step back into the plank position one foot at a time.  If you need to (I did) drop to your knees for the pushup.  It’s still a great upper body exercise, but it takes the pressure of your entire body weight off of your arms.  Try to come back onto your toes for the plank knee tucks in between pushups to add some intensity to the exercise, but listen to your body!  If jumping back into the squat after the pushups is too intense, just step your feet back up to your hands, one at a time.
  • Over the chair round kick: It is hard not to get sloppy with this one.  I ended up kicking my chair a few times :/  To prevent that from happening, squeeze your glute and abdominal muscles as you kick your leg over, and move slowly if you need to.  This will enable you to kick a little higher.  If your flexibility doesn’t allow you to kick that high, use something shorter, like a small stool.  If the exercise is still too intense, just do front kicks (one leg at a time).  Keep your foot flexed, extend your leg, and kick as high as is comfortable.

Great job everyone!  Tomorrow is an active rest day and you earned it!  I hope you’re enjoying the workouts 🙂  I know they’re tough, but they are making your body stronger!  Have a great Friday!

Thank you Zuzana!

Yours winded,

Lauren ❤