Daily Archives: February 6, 2012

“One Legged Gypsy Workout” Day 2

Good afternoon everybody! 🙂

How are you feeling after workout number 1?  I was a little sore when I woke up this morning, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.  I actually enjoy a little bit of soreness because it makes me feel like my workout the day before was productive.  No pain, no gain right?  Today’s challenge is only 16 minutes long.  The goal is to complete as many circuits as you can of 4 exercises in those 16 mins.  You should be able to complete at least one circuit.  If you complete 2 whole circuits, you are impressively fast, but if you complete more than 2, you are likely moving too fast and may be sacrificing your form.  If you are able to complete more than two with proper form, more power to you, but make sure you are watching that form!  It’s better to move slower and get more out of each repetition than to speed through haphazardly and complete more rounds–sometimes moving slower is actually more challenging!  If you haven’t figured it out by looking at the title: “One Legged Gypsy Workout”, the entire workout consists of exercises that are performed on–you guessed it–one leg!  Good luck and don’t lose your balance! 😛

Day: 2

Mood: Content (I moved into my day nice and slow this morning)

Energy: Moderate

Workout: One Legged Gypsy Workout  <——-link alert! 🙂

The Workout:

One Leg Wall Sit (25 on each leg)

One Leg Crawl (10 on each leg)

One Leg Sit-up (25 on each leg)

One Leg Dead Lift (25 on each leg)

My Results: I  completed one whole round plus all 50 one leg wall sits, all 20 one leg crawls, and 25 of the one leg sit-ups in the 16 minute time frame, however I was determined to finish the second round, so I did it after the timer went off (otherwise it would have bothered me all day).  Like Zuzana said on the workout description for this particular workout, it is up to you whether or not you stop as soon as the timer goes off, but that extra effort will be apparent in your long term results.

I know the workouts are tough, but I feel such a sense of pride and accomplishment when they’re over and know that I made it through… and I know you will too!  Sticking with it will result in a stronger, leaner, more toned body.  We can do it together!  Good luck 🙂  I hope you’re keeping track of your results.  Remember to follow the link at the top of the page to the Bodyrock.tv site for a video tutorial and more detailed break-down of each exercise!

Happy Sweating,

Lauren ❤