“Rock it Workout” Day 9

Good morning everybody!

Sorry I’ve been missing for the past two days!  Thursday and Friday were absolutely crazy.  Thursday: School 10:00am to 12:45pm and Work 2:30pm-7:30pm.  Friday: Work 9:30am-9:30pm.  All of that after working from Tuesday straight through Friday!  My schedule isn’t unbearable by any means, but it can be hard to get motivated to squeeze workouts into a tight schedule when I’m already tired.  I bet you think I didn’t get a workout in over the last two days… but I did! 🙂  I was originally supposed to be working out Thursday, but I didn’t quite manage to pry myself from my bed early enough to fit a workout in before school.  I was very tired that day, and work seemed difficult and overwhelming.  On Friday morning I did manage to get out of bed in time to do a tough, energizing workout before my impending 12 hour shift at work (which was going to be quite busy as well).  Getting that activity in before work made all the difference.  By the time I got to work, I felt more awake than I usually do, energized, was in a GREAT mood, and the things that would have been stressful to me the day before, I was able to handle with ease.  This brings me to my pep-talk point for today: exercise is fantastic stress relief.  Working out before you start your day is like preparing your body for battle.  You’re making yourself tougher, stronger, increasing your energy and endurance, and practicing eu-stress, which is a positive form of stress that we intentionally put on our bodies and minds to improve ourselves.  As humans we are constantly learning and growing.  We have a thirst for knowledge.  Sometimes, studying seems like a drag, and can be very stressful, but it is contributing to the growth of our minds.  Sometimes working out sucks too, but it’s beneficial to our health and personal growth every day!  Do something positive for your health today.  Prep yourself for the battle of the day rather than get caught up in the drama.  That’s my plan for the day 🙂  Who’s with me?

**I will actually be posting twice today because I will be doing the day 10 workout shortly.  This is Friday’s workout.  Due to my busy schedule, I got a bit behind!

Day: 9

Mood: Resistant

Energy: Low

Workout: Rock it Workout <——that’s the link!  Hint Hint!

Equipment: Timer (ALERT: 5 workouts from now Zuzana will incorporate a pull-up bar!  That will be the workout for NEXT Thursday!  If you do not have one, I will provide a substitute exercise that does not require equipment, but I highly recommend that you get one between now and then to get max benefits from the workout!  I have one that fits right into my doorway that I bought from Dick’s Sporting Goods for $12.00!)

The Workout

One Jump Touch Down (10 on each leg)

One Arm Pushup–Modified (5 on each arm)

Mountain Climber Kick-ups (20)

Maltese Situps (20)

This is one round.  Complete a total of 4 to complete the workout.

My Time: 27 min and 40 sec

This workout was very energizing to me!  My mood and energy had changed so much by the end of the workout and I ended up having a great day!  I find that Zuzana’s workouts are so easy to incorporate into my busy life style because they are quick (so far all under 30 mins) and require little to no equipment, so I can do them almost anywhere.  For that reason, there is no reason for me to skip my workout.  On the occasion that I do, it is almost always because I conveniently didn’t make time, or made myself unavailable.  Get active just 30 mins a day and you will notice a huge difference!  I can’t wait until day 30 when we take progress pictures and measurements so that you can start to see the fruits of your labor.  Just remember that abs are made in the kitchen; meaning diet and body composition go hand in hand, so you can’t work out like a beast, eat like crap, and expect to look good.  That’s why in addition to workouts, I will be posting weekly diet challenges.  This week’s is: drinking 64oz of water a day.  Saturday is the last day of this week’s challenge, but don’t think for a second that you should stop drinking water when the week ends.  The purpose of the diet challenges is to slowly introduce healthy habits to our routine rather then trying to jump in head first and taking on too much at once.  Overwhelm almost always leads to failure.  Adopt a new healthy habit every week, and keep up with them as we progress.  Before you know it, everybody will be asking you what you do for exercise and what you eat because they’ll notice the improvement in your energy and physique.  Keep up the great work!  The next workout will be the last of week 2!  That will be a huge milestone 🙂  Enjoy your workout.

Thanks for the workout Zuzana

-Lauren ❤

About laurendaniels48

Rather than just WISHING you could be like your hero, why not try actually stepping into their shoes and following the same path they did to really become like them? Everyone is different and should be the best version of themselves that they can be, but allow your inspiration, whether that be a person, organization, or event, to help take you there. My fitness inspiration is Zuzana Light. I have been following her workouts on and off since May of 2011 and they have made a huge difference in my body composition, energy, and strength. For an entire month (January 2012) I got completely off track and felt like I needed to start fresh, so I created this blog with the hope of inspiring myself and others. I originally started from the very first workout Zuzana posted on Bodyrock.tv and was working my way through all of them in order to the most recent: ZWODs, but then later changed my strategy and am now only incorporating the ZWODs as well as some endurance training. I will be posting most of the written workout breakdowns, my scores, fitness progress, recipes, and extra information about my diet. I hope others will follow along! **I do not in any way claim to have created any of the workouts that I will post on this site unless stated otherwise. All of these workouts belong to Bodyrock.tv and Zuzka Light. View all posts by laurendaniels48

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